Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Different Shampoo
I dug back into my memory back and recalled a time when an aunt (vegetarian) of mine visited from overseas and brought an interesting "all-purpose" soap. Using it occasionally during her one month stay with us was not a bad experience. However at that time, we had not located any store in Jamaica that had it. Also, I only used it as a bath soap and having processed hair back then, using it as shampoo was not an option (my shampooings were done at salon). Recently, I was unable to remember the correct name for the product because it had many words on it. But ah through the "help" of the internet I was able to find the name ! It's Dr Bronner's Castile Soap (well, in short).
This time around I was able to locate it at a Nature store in Kingston, but wow what an exorbitant price. Funnily I was able to actually purchase a bottle a month later --- last evening to be exact. Hence I have used it for the first time, as a shampoo, and was surprised to notice a difference in how my hair coils responded. I was reluctant to use it as bath soap due to the fact that I went online and realised that the price I paid was truly ridiculous compared to what it was advertised. Oh well, I guess I learn from my mistakes. I still went ahead and used it in my shower and am a bit amazed, in terms of the lack of dryness that I usually encounter. YEAY !!!
Anyway, I had one concern with this "new" product (new to me as shampoo, that is), but that could be attributed to my technique. I will look out for it when next I shampoo with Dr Bronner's Eucalyptus Liquid Soap. Oh, the problem was that one section of my head collected the residue that wash removed from other parts of head. Because I washed my hair in the position where my face faces the sink, the "residue collect" area is the top front of my hair. Does that sound clear ? I did a second wash but needed a third (which, as I said could be because a flaw in my technique).
The journey continues...
Friday, February 22, 2008
"Today you stand at the beginning of a grand adventure, with the very real and present opportunity to shape this year into the best one ever.... know who you are" !
I've been hearing about the prevalence of the "hate-me-as-God-made-me" mentality. Sure it has always been an undercurrent of our society but with the trends about, there is a recent surge.
It saddens my heart to hear some the examples that are about. I heard the other day about boys in their first year of high school bleaching their skins to have a lighter tone. Damaging themselves physically and emotionally.
Parents and future parents out there, take the responsibility to be loving of yourself and in turn show (be an example for) children how to do the SAME. Not just the parents task, but they should have the strongest influence. This world is bigger than yourself. Explore it and enjoy it. Stop hurting it.
Just some thoughts.
Monday, January 28, 2008
NAPPY-HEADED by Latasha Willis
I came to this world with nappy hair
And when I was too young to really care
I loved to twirl each curl in my hand
And appreciate the texture of every strand.
But when I got older I was told
That the straightest hair was just like gold.
My hair got ironed with a metal comb
And the smell of burning grease made me moan.
I got a relaxer to run from the smoke,
But the pain of my overcooked scalp was no joke.
I even tried a Jheri curl to give myself a break
But being a target of jokes made my heart ache.
Oh, the day I turned my back on chemicals and heat,
I felt so free - oh, what a treat!
I trimmed off what was left of the damaged mess
And saw in the mirror what I thought was success.
But society said I had lost my mind
And that I would run back to tradition in time.
I got the strangest looks everywhere
And even loved ones frowned at my nappy hair.
I can't get a black brother to take me out for a meal
Since my hair lacks European appeal.
But when I look at my origin,
The continent of Africa, where my ancestors had been
And the beauty of the people who live there,
I saw nothing wrong with my nappy hair.
God gave me this hair
So I should not be ashamed
It is part of who I am
Ain't nothin' wrong with it, I exclaimed.
So I will wear my Afro, my twists and my coils!
I will not allow my confidence to be soiled.
Even if my hair is locked and dreaded,