Monday, January 28, 2008


NAPPY-HEADED by Latasha Willis

I came to this world with nappy hair

And when I was too young to really care

I loved to twirl each curl in my hand

And appreciate the texture of every strand.

But when I got older I was told

That the straightest hair was just like gold.

My hair got ironed with a metal comb

And the smell of burning grease made me moan.

I got a relaxer to run from the smoke,

But the pain of my overcooked scalp was no joke.

I even tried a Jheri curl to give myself a break

But being a target of jokes made my heart ache.

Oh, the day I turned my back on chemicals and heat,

I felt so free - oh, what a treat!

I trimmed off what was left of the damaged mess

And saw in the mirror what I thought was success.

But society said I had lost my mind

And that I would run back to tradition in time.

I got the strangest looks everywhere

And even loved ones frowned at my nappy hair.

I can't get a black brother to take me out for a meal

Since my hair lacks European appeal.

But when I look at my origin,

The continent of Africa, where my ancestors had been

And the beauty of the people who live there,

I saw nothing wrong with my nappy hair.

God gave me this hair

So I should not be ashamed

It is part of who I am

Ain't nothin' wrong with it, I exclaimed.

So I will wear my Afro, my twists and my coils!

I will not allow my confidence to be soiled.

Even if my hair is locked and dreaded,

I am proud of being nappy-headed.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I know I might be late in hearing about this song but I LOVE IT. It can pick us up as sisters when we're not feeling too hot. It goes beyond the lyrics because we can all think of various emotional moments while listening. And you know what ? A smile ends up on my face by the end of the song. Hope you enjoy it as well.